I figure Impermanence is something you learn or read about in Buddhism 101. Everything changes, nothing lasts forever, constantly in a state of flux. Look at Blogger. For whatever reason they changed the way you post and the font I liked is gone from the drop menu. Google did the same thing with their personalized news page. Lots of times a site will revamp its look and piss off loyal users.
On a more serious level, I need to move. Now, for a bit of a back story, I am an ex-pat. This means I do not live in the country I was born in. Very long story short, on a trip I found a small twon I absoloutely loved, and for 6 years I fought and tried and finally found an opportunity to move. I love the town I live in. Oh but for impermanence. I found a woman I love, she had 3 kids from her forst marriage. I raise them as if they were my own. Some time last year, we suffered a miscarriage. With the follow up tests and all we discovered the cause: cancer of the uterus. They kept doing more and more tests and also found out she has leukemia. Her sister lives in a much larger city, in fact the best hospital in South America for leukemia is in that city. So off she went with the kids to be with her sister and start treatment. I had to stay behind to finish up some work contracts. Next week I will finally be moving to be with them.
With all this, you can see impermanence: a baby died, her health is seriously affected, I need to pick up sticks and move to a city where I have no contacts, no friends, no knowledge of anything. Impermanence can be big or little, but it can't be ignored.
Saved by the Grace of God
I don't do much blogging any more, but when I do I do it here:
8 hours ago